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Remus Balan


Our client is a personal brand that teaches people how to manage their time and organize their schedules. The brand has been in business for 8 years and is based in Bucharest, Romania.


The client was having trouble attracting enough people to register for their webinars. They had only a few registrants at the beginning of their registration. They needed to increase their brand awareness and attract new customers to grow their business.


Our agency developed a comprehensive marketing strategy for the client that included Facebook advertising. We created a series of Facebook ads that showcased the benefits of time management and the client’s unique selling proposition. We created client scripts for the ads, and they filmed and edited them before sending them to us. We then launched the ads on Facebook, targeting users who were interested in time management and productivity. Also, we created images for the client to launch in ads.

In addition to Facebook advertising, we also optimized the client’s landing page for easy use for the leads to enter and leave their information in the form.


With a budget of 200 euros, the Facebook ads generated almost 100 leads in 2 weeks for the client’s first webinar. The client was able to convert six of these leads into paying customers, which helped them grow their business and increase their revenue. 

For the next four webinars, we had a budget of 500 euros per webinar, and we ran Facebook Ads for three weeks for each. The results were impressive, with almost 300 people completing the registration page for each webinar.


The Facebook Ads campaign was a great success for the personal brand. The brand was able to attract more people to register for the webinars, which helped them grow their business. We still help this brand with some webinars and masterclasses.

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